smallforms w/ Simone Borghi x Brigitta Bödenauer x éclair (Katharina Klement & Daniel Lercher)

the monthly series of smallforms seeks to support contemporary and experimental forms of music which require an attitude of listening. in collaboration with the artspace Chateau Rouge
Saturday November 19th 2022
Doors: 19h30
Music: 20h30
★ Simone Borghi
The electronic music of Simone Borghi combines constant variation and reiterated complex patterns without beginning or ending. But what is intended for variation is not a change applied to a given audio object, rather a main compositional principle that eludes mechanical combinations or evident pulsations. The result is a rich agglomerate of textures and harmonies/melodies that mutates permanently and takes the listener to an atmospheric trip to different sonic environments.
★ Brigitta Bödenauer ist seit den frühen 1990er Jahren in der Wiener Noise- und Experimental-Szene aktiv. Ihre Kompositionen sind geprägt von der Faszination für die Körperlichkeit von Klang und materiellen Aspekten von Sound. Sie baut kinematografisch-bruchstückhafte Narrative, denen die Frage nach der Darstellbarkeit mentaler Bilder durch Sounds innewohnt. Mit organisch ausgedehnten Texturen, brüchigen Melodien, kargen Beats, Noise und wummernden Bässen wirken ihre sorgfältigen Konstruktionen bisweilen düster und melancholisch, dann wieder sanft und manchmal geradezu kühl-distanziert.
★ éclair (Katharina Klement & Daniel Lercher)
Katharina Klement, zither & electronics, Daniel Lercher, electronics
The duo combines extended instrumental playing techniques with live electronic transformations. It makes use of different material, ranging from sine tone to noise for layering and textures, moving in the context between free and structured improvisation. Symbiotic relationships between the sound material and its reflection in instrumental and electronic transformations create a new complex hyperinstrument.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
smallforms is a platform and music label for contemporary and experimental forms of music which require an attitude of listening. the monthly series consists of recording sessions in the afternoon and concert/live set in the evening – joining forces with electronic allies, spoken word, spinning tunes or sweet stuff of pop culture that may lead to the underworld (or hell).
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von SKE, bmkoes und der Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien

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